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What session is best for me?

What can you expect from a session ?

Every session with Victoria is unique just as is every person and their needs, desires and
outcomes are. An honouring of your sacredness with conscious intent to serve the purpose of the

highest good is where a sessions starts.



For relaxation, a pamper, muscular work or the desire to feel rejuvenated and ready to merge back
into the world a 60/90 min Kahuna / Lomi Lomi body work will more than satisfy and adding the hot

stones for a deeper element.



In longer and or multiple sessions we dive deeper to reveal aspect of yourself and learn to embody
all of multi layer person you are. Sessions can utilise the Kahuna bodywork, the laying of
crystals, a medicine drum journey, energy and past-life clearings, dissolving internal belief
patterns, empowering activations and laying new foundations for the future.





With the highest level of trust all will unfold to bring you to that liminal place – where you begin to
dissolve old patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck in a cycle. It is in this space you awaken to
the truth of your Soul with confidence in your ability to follow your passions and purpose but most
importantly anchoring the ultimate level of trust that you will always lead from your Heart Space

aligning mind and body so that you start living a life filled with joy!

Kahuna / Lomi Lomi bodywork


A gentle, deep and flowing, nurturing the full body, immersing the mind in rhythmic tribal music. A space to deeply relax, realign and recharge. Victoria’s unique style of bodywork is so much more
than a physical experience; it can facilitate shifts on the emotional and spiritual levels allowing the 
body’s own innate ability to reorganise itself energetically on a cellular level.



60 mins $99


90 mins $144


Emerging from the Depths OF WINTER

As we begin to awaken from the long rest of winter the weeks leading into Spring can bring about a stirring, unsettled or even anxiousness readying for the change. Reflections & beliefs may begin strengthening doubts & fears that may of held you back in the past counteracting the passion you hold for the dreams you envision.



a single session perfect
if you’re feeling a little
stagnant or lethargic



​You maybe be feeling restless, holding anxiety & unmotivated. You could be excited but there is something stopping your courage. But either way something needs to change & you want it to happen now! A double session



depths of winter.jpg

This seasonal overlap provides space to shine the light on aspects that are held deep within that may continue to sabotage your future self. A space allowing your Heart to align & centre bringing guidance for your direction readying for Spring – where you then anchor your life force, plant seeds & nurture yourself for the growth of your full potential.


Hot Stone Temple Therapy

Utilising flowing movements of Kahuna / Lomi Lomi Bodywork Sacred Hot Stone therapy deepens your experience by releasing held tension in muscles and joints. Using specific techniques stagnant energy is shifted improving circulation and energy flow.


60 mins $111


90 mins $155

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